tel·e·ki·ne·sis (t
s, -k

- The movement of objects by scientifically inexplicable means, as by the exercise of an occult power.
-American Heritage Dictionary

TELEKINESIS. PSYCHOKINESIS. Whatever the term is, I am really fascinated by how inanimate objects are moved by people without physical contact. Scientists conclude that about only 70% of the human brain is used in our daily life and the 30% remains debatable as to where it lies. They say this hidden "capacity" is actually an energy which stays idle until such time that it is being exercised or developed. I hope so, and believed that telekinesis does not involve occult or supernatural powers. If so, I wouldn't want to ever learn how it is being done. I know, some telikenetic experts use occult powers and I also believe that there are those who plainly use the unexplainable energy I hope I soon could discover.
I reckon some of you would laugh or even make jokes out of this but hey, before the Wright brothers could fly their planes, they were called names such as crazy and dumbheads. Perhaps in the last part, this thing might not be factual but as long as it is not verified yet, it is still worth studying. Telekinesis might alter the way how we look at certain things in life and how things might turn out after all.
See you soon.
See you soon.
Wow! Goodluck on your search for telekinesis power. =) Sana ako din. Kapag na-discover mo share mo naman sakin ha! =)
~Krisha dropped by.
thanks ate krish!:) sure. haha
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