It's just now that i wanted to share something about my college life, well, partly because i wanted to release all the sentiments i have. Well, actually, i'm loving it now, because i believe, i can't do otherwise cause it gives me negative outlooks and it only yields unproductive results. Well, i have friends now, not plenty but i already have those whom i can trust with what i do and say. I already have two failed exams- and worse, majors pa. I got super low scores in stoichiometry because i spent studying at McDo and stayed there until 3am. The same happened when we've had the first exam for Bio Lec, i got only half of the correct answers. I am super depressed now because i darn need to cope up. Preregistrations for the next sem is now open and i can't log in to my account!- why oh why?
There's too much things i need to worry about this time, and the thought of sem break relieves it all. I'm loving biology though, and hating chemistry. Everything else follows for me. Math is a pinch of sugar, spice and everything nice.