Overnight Breakup

It was funny and a sort of foolishness anyway, that was so stupid. Actually, it’s like something I don’t want to stick with every single time but then when I get off the grasp, I find myself empty. Yea, that’s weird anyway, and for the benefit of the doubt, yes, I confess, I am just selfish. We “broke up” just 2 days before the graduation and then that night I have decided that I should get rid of him, for myself and for myself [how self-ish?]. Yea, and I actually made this:

But. Wth. We’re back to business. Again.

Last day in HS

I expected it to be fun, well, but it was just like, ookayyyy… ordinary. Nothing more special like I was really wanting.

anin.jue.goofing around. Last day of hs.:(

Graduation Time

I was kinda emotional especially on the eve of graduation day. I was like, "oooh, those good old days... I can't bring them back anymore.." Yeah, well, text messages from classmates flooded my phone saying "good-byes, thank yous and sorry-s... Well, then there are others who wished like the day will just go away like...boom.

flowers given to my "lucky" friends during our mighty graduation.

a stupid-self-taken photograph with the photogenic flowers.

I don't have any graduation picture so i was just hoping somebody could upload it elsewhere so i could just copy it. How pathetic, isn't it? It's my sister's fault, anyway... She's my official photographer and videographer. But what has she done? Just those few videos with all the closeups of my classmates. aurgh.

So, I'll just post this what-a-shame video. It's cornnnyyy. XD

Disclaimer: comment all you can... but i know this video was pathetically edited. my apologies. with all the narrations and stuff. [oh, God, forgive me]

See you soon.